Cloakroom Makeover
Tidy up and bring colour to a cloakroom or a child’s room with some colourful coat pegs and hangers. This is also a great idea for creating a dressing up area in a play room. Plain wood coat pegs can be purchased from most DIY stores.
Remove each peg with a screw driver and place the hangers, pegs and base onto newspaper. Ensure the surrounding area is well ventilated and ensure surfaces to be painted are free from loose paint, rust, wax, oil and grease. Previously painted surfaces should be abraded to provide a key.
Unless you are painting with Rust-Oleum Universal spray paint bare wood and metal should be primed with Rust-Oleum Surface Primer and bare plastic should be primed with Rust-Oleum Plastic Primer. Using your selected product / colour hold the can approximately 30cm from the surface of the object(s) and spray in a steady back and forth motion, slightly overlapping with each stroke.
For best results whilst spraying keep the can the same distance from the surface and keep the can in motion. Apply several light coats a few minutes apart. For our coat hangers and pegs we used Rust-Oleum Painter’s Touch in Dark Grey, Real Orange, Cherry Red and Deep Blue (all Gloss finish).
TIPS: Suspending the hangers from the hook while painting allows you to paint both sides simultaneously (rather than having to wait for one side to dry). Add name stickers to personalise hangers for children.