But can you guess the profession of a stranger just by seeing the objects they use day to day? Interior blogger Sarah Akwisombe joined forces with photographer Dan Annett to visualize the daily objects used by five different people in a still life art project called The Objects Of My Profession.
Sarah said: “The objects we come into contact with depending on our profession varies massively from person to person. I think there’s something quite cool in the fact that you can be shown an image of the objects people use day to day for work and it correctly inform you as to what they do for a living.”
Sarah used Facebook to ask her fans which objects they came into contact with each day. “The results were so varied and funny, with answers ranging from tape measures to baby bottles to bicycle pumps and half eaten sandwiches” she said.
Picking five of her favourites she then collected the items and used spray paint to cover each professions item the same colour “so it was really about the objects that had the most interesting shapes and textures”.
Take a look at the results below, can you guess the profession?
Photography by Dan Annett…
Think you’ve guessed correctly? Tweet Sarah @SarahAkwisombe with your answers.